
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

live an inspired life

I think it was Socrates who said that “an unexamined life is not worth living.” I would say, an uninspired life is not worth living.

Yoga inspires me to see the world through the eyes of peace and compassion.

People inspire me when they have passion for whatever they do…and they go ahead and do it.

Nature inspires me because it unfolds on its own terms, in its own time…because it tells me to appreciate the big picture as well as the little details...and because it reminds me that there are miracles everyday.

Art inspires me because of the way its sheer beauty and emotion leap out of the canvas, photograph, or medium.

Music inspires me because of the way it silences me, invites me to pause, and be in the moment.

Dance inspires me because of the raw, honest way it communicates.

Children inspire me because they remind me to be spontaneous, joyful, and present.

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