
Saturday, April 19, 2008


I've just had a wonderful afternoon!

After being cooped up all morning in a sterile-looking room for this work-related training, it was so refreshing to have lunch with a new friend in this restaurant, and spend the rest of the afternoon in Spring Grove, immersing ourselves in our love for photography.

Afterwards I felt so inspired, and wanted to maintain that feeling of peace that comes from being in nature and re-connecting to the earth. I spent the rest of the daylight hours in my balcony and I finally planted that packet of basil seeds that I got from a store several weeks ago.

(I don't have a green thumb, so there might be a future blog post on the demise of my basil. Or maybe not.)

Today I feel grateful for:
- spring blossoms
- newfound connections
- great conversation
- comfortable silence
- closeness to the earth
- a feeling of deep peace

"It was enough just to sit there without words."

- Louise Erdrich

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