
Thursday, January 14, 2010

revisiting January 2009

Wow. This time last year, I named the year 2009 as my year of TAKING ACTION. I wrote my goals here.

This friend once told me about reflecting on the past year, and your perceived successes and failures. I like that concept of "perceived". It's not a judgment on your performance; to me it's your perception of the areas in which you experience growth and the areas that you may need to revisit or to try again, or to re-consider to see whether it fits in with your life's purpose.

These were on my list, with my "revisiting" comments in italics:

1. Continue my research project...continued, but not be continued this year.

2. Show photography at another art show (maybe this spring?)...check. Was part of an art show at this arts center last summer. It was a great experience, because I helped set up the show pieces with a group of artists, as part of my volunteer hours. I thoroughly enjoyed being behind the scenes for the first time! It was fun deciding where to place different pieces of art work so that each piece stands out, but also complements the other pieces around it. This place is a community-supported arts center, and is so full of warmth and positive energy. Nothing pretentious here. They make the arts accessible, not elusive...even for newbies like myself. :)

photo courtesy of CD (thanks!)

3. Start teaching yoga again (one thing I took off my plate for the past few months... and I miss it)...unfortunately, I think I only had a few opportunities to do this. In my busiest times, I think I really benefit from being in the class as a student, not as an instructor. Re-visit at some point.

4. Set a reasonable amount of Internet time... reduce non-productive Internet time, especially if it starts interfering with my sleep schedule! ...honestly? ONGOING. became especially difficult since I got a MacBook Pro last year.
So realistically, my online time may not become any less.

5. I would love to take a weekend road trip/photography trip by myself – to a place that will make feel like I’m “getting away”, but also reasonably close. Asheville, NC maybe?... YES!!! I DID! Big check mark here.

Zambra Tapas Bar and Spanish Restaurant
Walnut St., downtown Asheville

my favorite Spanish restaurant...
especially since they serve vegetarian paella and vegetarian tapas.

No visit to Asheville is complete without getting truffles
from French Broad Chocolate Lounge
South Lexington Ave., downtown Asheville

Bougainvilleas from the North Carolina Arboretum
These flowers remind me of home...
there are lush shrubs of these in my family's garden in Manila.

6. Prioritize my health and wellness. Listen to my body: take stretching breaks at work after sitting at a computer, take more walks, indulge myself by taking a nap when necessary...well, I took walks... but not too many naps to report. Revisit; do I allow myself enough rest? I have to remind myself that rest is important, so that I can regroup and move forward with what I perceive as my life's purpose.

7. Set aside some time each day (even just 5 minutes) to reflect, read something inspiring, or write in my journal...check.

Everyone needs time for a retreat...
whether it's for a weekend or for five minutes.

8. ACT ON possibilities. Or else they will remain merely possibilities. (this sounds vague, but it’s going to be a LOOONG story if I write it out in detail here)... YES!!! Another big check mark here... I must say, I did take action on this one. I moved to Kent State!

Oh, and last year I turned 30! I loved it. See more here.

Photo credit: EyesOpenWide

So I did "take action" last year. I have been reflecting on what 2010 will be about, and what I will name it. More on that later.

On a final note...some guiding words for the new year:

"We are not victims of circumstance. We are the creative force of our own lives."
Stephen Covey

What's 2010 about for you?


  1. Thank you for sharing your vision and experiences with fulfillment! 2009 -what an awesome year! Your reflections lead me to wonder if I can find my 2009 goals.... and see which things were fulfilled. I know of some that weren't even on the list. The Divine dreams bigger than me!

  2. Hi Kim! Yes, isn't that amazing, that there were things that you fulfilled that weren't in the initial plan... I feel the same way about last year! I go back to your retreat reflection:
    "Constantly expect better things..."


Thanks for reading! I love hearing from you, so feel free to continue the conversation here. Have a delicious day!