
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

edamame "hummus"

A change of pace from the usual chickpea hummus... a bowl of spring-y green goodness.

I put "" around the word "hummus" because I learned that hummus actually = chickpea... so technically this isn't hummus but a pureed bean dip. That's if you want to be technical. Anyway...

In a food processor:

half a bag of frozen shelled edamame, steamed until tender but still bright green (after steaming, dump into a bowl of ice water to stop cooking)
tahini, about a tablespoon
1-2 cloves of garlic
salt and pepper to taste
lemon juice to taste
fruity, good quality extra virgin olive oil - enough to make it creamy

I think I ate half the bowl. 


  1. mmmm i asked you for this recipe a while back but i can't replicate how good you made it! yummy!

  2. Hey Anne! Sorry I never gave you the recipe sooner - I must have forgotten that you asked! This blog entry was in my drafts for SO long that I forgot about it too... anyway - hope you enjoy making and eating it :)

  3. you DID give me the recipe that time! :-D and yes i enjoyed making it and eating it! will have to make that again!


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