
Saturday, January 7, 2012


I don't want to jinx it, but so far we've been having a fairly mild winter here in Cleveland. High 30s to mid-40's -- even low 50's at times -- in JANUARY??? In the snow belt of Ohio? Unheard of. But, I'm not complaining. I hope it lasts!

A. and I bundled up and went for a 4-mile trail walk in our nearby park. The sunshine was glorious!

North Chagrin Metropark*

We got our stiff winter-time muscles to work again, and stretched with our faces toward the sun.

Aaaahhhhh.... So thankful for days like this.

After that we were starving, so we headed to our nearby authentic Mexican restaurant. What can I say, walking and sunshine made me thirsty for horchata and hungry for a good bowl of guacamole. ;-)

*I am still amazed at how well iPhone photos turn out!

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