
Monday, March 19, 2012

a year later...

Tomorrow is the vernal equinox - the first day of spring! Oh, the joy. Here comes the sun, doo doo doo doo... (quoting The Beatles)

This time of year is especially meaningful for me... as A. and I got married on the eve of the first day of spring last year - just the two of us plus eight of our nearest and dearest as witnesses, on a sunny, end-of-winter day in a beautiful winery, with the whole space to ourselves. I love that we had a quiet, intimate wedding before our "big" church wedding  (and by "big" I mean 90 people).

I never really posted our "first" wedding photos here other than the picture of the happy yellow flowers I held as my bouquet. I guess the memory was something I just wanted to hold close to my heart. But here are a few more pictures of that very special day...

exchanging rings... photo by this friend

This song, by the Beatles, just puts a smile on my face. And... I recently found out that Coldplay has a live version too!

Can't wait for longer spring days, and more warm sunshine! The first day of spring has always been magical for me... but even more so since March 19th, 2011.

Happy first anniversary, A... you light up my days.

officially married!
happiness in a sun-drenched room
(Photos c/o my brother)


  1. Mia, happy 1st year... isn't being married the best feeling ever? Love the pictures by the way! You're glowing!

  2. Thanks Dianne! Malakas kasi yung araw eh! ;-)
    Yes - it IS the best feeling ever to start and end every day with "the one". :)
    Hey, we both had March weddings, right?

  3. Yes, we got married March 8, '09! Yay for March weddings! :o)

  4. I am all teary-eyed in front of the computer. Buti nalang ako nalang ang natira sa opisina.

    Happy first! Hugs hugs hugs

  5. Wow! Congratulations to a joyful couple! :-) Beautiful photos of bliss. Here's to many more happy years to both of you!

    PS. I *love* that song too!

  6. Thanks Nikki! Hope to see you soon - let me know if your travel plans take you to our neck of the woods :)

  7. Mia,

    Now I am teary eyed again. I love both of you.


Thanks for reading! I love hearing from you, so feel free to continue the conversation here. Have a delicious day!