
Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Whew... what a busy week it's been! And it's only Wednesday. Not much to post today, except for a few Instagram snapshots...

neighborhood tree
spring pink
veggie fajitas at our favorite Mexican restaurant
A. and I have been enjoying our evening walks around the neighborhood
inspired by this friend, who wrote about panini in a recent blog post

Sun-dried tomato and olive pesto, feta, and spinach panino - made in a makeshift "panini maker" using my grill pan and a heavy cast-iron skillet on top to press the sandwich.  Not bad!

I can do animal print in very small doses.

Decided to try the work-at-home trick of getting (somewhat) dressed up to hopefully work more productively at home. Even if it just meant jeans, a cowl-neck sweater, and flats.
Except I ended up taking a quick trip to my happy place to pick up a few things I've been eyeing. I finally upgraded my bakeware (commercial-grade bakeware on sale - a great deal for how much I bake). No more cheap warping cookie sheets for me!
But I digress. Yes, I worked too...

weeknight dinner: kale and white bean soup
The above soup is typically in my regular soup rotation - beans/chickpeas with lots of veggies.
A drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and shards of parmigiano-reggiano cheese right before serving/eating make this humble soup even more delicious.

Because weeknight dinners should be savored too, right?

Follow me on Instagram: mgsharma


  1. I love this post - it's like you let me in to your everyday life - including the quirks and little things that make it all worthwhile. love how your panini turned out! and the shoes... mia, you haven't changed a bit. :-)

  2. :) Thanks Dianne! Yes - I guess I'm still "me" - after all these years!

  3. wow animal print ha! ;-)
    i loove that evening walk photo - lovely photos do not always have to be in focus!
    and the soup you made sounds yum! perfect for these cold spring weather we're getting.

  4. Thanks Anne! Yes, I love the evening walk photo too! I get the "warm fuzzies" when I see it... but maybe it's because it reminds me of my walks with A. ;-)

    Yup - animal print in small doses ;-) I limit it to shoes and (thin) belts. :) I had these giraffe print (I know, seriously) ballet flats some years ago that I OUTGREW and I was so sad! I guess our feet do get bigger after a while?? I don't grow taller but my feet grow bigger. Go figure :)

    The soup is incredibly simple - I should post the recipe!


Thanks for reading! I love hearing from you, so feel free to continue the conversation here. Have a delicious day!