
Monday, May 21, 2012

back home

Aaaah... traveling is such an amazing experience. Despite long flights, numerous layovers (from Cleveland --> Newark --> Brussels --> Mumbai --> Indore), sitting immobile for hours at a time - the pros definitely outweigh the inconveniences.

above the clouds

I have to say I like airports. I admit that airports can be stressful, with long lines at security, having to think of all the required ID's and documentation (especially when I was not yet a permanent resident), possibilities of delays and cancellations and such... but overall, to me airports signal the start of a new experience - or, when coming back, remind me that home is near.

Being caffeinated helps. :)

strong latte at the Brussels airport, enjoyed with a chocolate croissant for breakfast

(I know, the coffee doesn't really help with the dehydration that is so common during long-haul flights. We armed ourselves with 2 big bottles of water - after going through security - and Airborne)


But as wonderful as traveling is, it's also really good to be home. I do push myself to go beyond my comfort zone, but it's also a comfort to come back to what is familiar.


 And after many hearty, delicious (and spicy!) meals like this - I'm also happy to start making simpler meals, refreshing salads and fruit smoothies again. 

Clockwise from 1:00: mango mousse, kadhi (yogurt-based dish), pullao (rice dish), pakora (fritters), aloo (potatoes), green mango chutney, cilantro chutney. Center: wheat roll

We arrived on Saturday evening, after what seemed like 30 hours of traveling (Indore --> Mumbai --> Brussels --> Newark --> Cleveland). I recovered from jet lag much better than I expected this time around, compared to my 3-4 days' worth of interrupted sleep (and resulting headaches) upon arrival in India. I'm hitting the ground running, starting my work-at-home mode today and teaching at the university tomorrow.

Next weekend, I'll start sorting through the many, many photos I took during my stay. More on that later...

Meanwhile, I am back with many fond memories, and a deep sense of gratitude.

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