
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

is it Saturday yet?

I have so many blog posts forming in my head. About health, yoga, friends, food (been on an Ethiopian food kick lately and made it twice in one week. More on that later)....but I've been pretty swamped with work. We've been having some gorgeous summer days here in Cleveland (well, at least till the 90+ degree summer storm weather on Friday), and all I want to do is relax in the sun like this:

My friends R+N's dog, Elsa. Isn't she a beauty?

And maybe with a pretty drink in hand (well, a "mocktail" for me) like this:

Got some work to do... over and out.


  1. 2 more days, and it's Saturday Sunshine hahaha! I know what you mean. Can't wait for Friday 5 0'clock...

  2. Hahaha I vaguely remember that line... Where's that from again?

  3. Dianne! I think I got it - is that from the Zesto commercial? (inisip talaga eh! hahaha)


Thanks for reading! I love hearing from you, so feel free to continue the conversation here. Have a delicious day!