
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Paulina the Mechanic

Paulina, age 3. Photo by Debra-Lynn Hook

 My brother Carlo emailed me this story this morning. It was the best start to my day. In his words:

Paulina the Mechanic

This morning, my car battery died.  I borrowed my Dad's car and got the battery replaced under warranty.  After they replaced it, I had to go back to my parents' house to pick up my Dad so we could both get the car and I'd then drive my car home.

My Dad and I were by the driveway already when I heard Paulina running after me from inside the house.  She opened the door and looked at me with beaming eyes, "Daddy, I have the battery!!"  Clasped tightly in her tiny hand was one Energizer AA battery.  "Will this work?" she asked.  "We can try," I said. She asked to come along so I took her with me. 

When I entered my car, Paulina gave me the AA battery and told me to try it.  I put it inside the car ashtray then turned the ignition switch.  When the engine started, Paulina just gasped in excitement - "It worked Daddy!!!"  

Despite the hassle and stress of what happened, Paulina had her way of cheering me up.  I drove home with a wide grin on my face. 

I had a good day after all.


The sweet innocence of children... always a reminder of all that is good and hopeful and special in this world. I miss my nephews and nieces... sigh. They just grow too fast.

Thank you Carlo for sharing this! I hope this story also gives you a great start to your weekend!


  1. Awww...this was SO precious! Thanks for sharing the story with us Mia :-). I get to see two of my sweet nephews this week for the first time in a year! So excited!!!

  2. Dianne and Kristin: Yes - really cute and precious! It makes me smile every time I think about it. :)

    Kristin, how exciting that you will be seeing your nephews - have fun!

  3. Beautiful STORY! I love thinking of myself as a child..fearless, sweet, innocent, creative and loving of everything and anything Love and Shine CourtStar

  4. Such a cute story! That was really sweet of her dad. I hope this incident would develop Paulina's confidence to solve problems she will face later in life. Maybe she'll get really good with cars, too!

    Randee Colton @


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