
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

to sharon

I've been turning inward the past couple of days.

Last Sunday, I received an email from a dear friend, sharing some incredibly sad and painful news.

I'm at a complete loss for words. But since Sharon is a fellow lover of Mary Oliver's poetry, I thought I'd share these words here.

A Thousand Mornings

All night my heart makes its way
however it can over the rough ground
of uncertainties, but only until night
meets and then is overwhelmed by
morning, the light deepening, the
wind easing and just waiting, as I
too wait (and when have I ever been
disappointed?) for redbird to sing.

- Mary Oliver

To Sharon and Andy... May you feel the love of your family and friends, and all those lives you've touched, in your time of loss and healing. We are with you during this rough night, however long and dark it is, and we will be with you as the light deepens into morning. 

I'm a big believer in the power of the mind... so whether you know them or not, please send a positive thought their way. 


  1. Oh Mia, I'm just now seeing this and Andy and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Your friendship and kindness mean a lot and the miles in between us mean so little.



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