
Friday, December 7, 2012


These will look like very unseasonable photos given the dark and dreary days this time of year in this part of the world, but I can't help but dream and think that this is where I will be a few weeks from now...

And I just need to get through this rough week. It's been quite the ordeal physically, mentally, emotionally. It's taking every ounce of willpower to focus and get my sh*t (choose your vowel) together** . I really need to concentrate on work for the next several days to be ready for this trip... and be ready to finally stop thinking of work. I've come to accept that I will need to work some while I'm away, but I'm looking forward to a few uninterrupted days to get off the grid (GASP) for a while, unwind, and re-connect with my family and childhood friends.

Soon I'll be home in this island paradise...  why have I been I away for so long again?

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**From one of my colleagues, a new professor at a university. She once joked that she wants to add the phrase "Get your sh*t together" to her email signature line. We all got a kick out of that idea. Only in theory, of course.


  1. Mia! Are you back in Manila? I miss the warm weather!!!

  2. Hi Dianne! Yes I was in Manila for about 3 weeks! I loved being back in the sunshine too. The trip felt so short, but I guess that's how it will always be when it comes to visiting home.

    I'm back in Cleveland now and dreading going back to work...


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